An added treat backstage with brothers, Scott and Todd Smith, I was able to meet with Bonnie Bramlett of the famed Delaney & Bonnie. Also in the crowd the famous Blue man, Blue Miller. It would be easier to list the artists Blue has not worked with in the music industry. Blue shared with me an artist he recently co- wrote and produced, India Arie’s “Acoustic Soul” album nominated for seven Grammys. Greg Shirley was also part of the Smith & Wesley posse with his Garage Door Records debut release, Raised On The Run. And can’t leave out new artist, Brittany Bexton with her newly released single, “Free Fall.” After spending time chatting with Brittany, I realized this little lady has all the “smarts” with great talent to go along with it. It’s clear, she has her heart, mind, and soul in her music.